Wednesday 11 July 2012

FAMILY - The nucleus of every society

I love the photograph above which I have grabbed online, author/photographer unknown. The fingers/palm of the mother are similar to mine, chubby and stubby. :-) This is part of my visualisation in my daily reflection and hope that one day, our family of two will be three. Gotta keep the positive thoughts/feelings flowing!

This, and many other things and support I am grateful for in life at the moment kept me going in this journey of TTC (trying to conceive).

F- Father
A- and
M- Mother
I- I
L- Love
Y- You

We are not parents ourselves yet but hubby and I are lucky in the sense that we both have loving parents, complete sets, still alive and well. Not many have that privilege of having both sets of parents alive, and that is indeed a blessing.

We have to keep reminding ourselves not to lose sight of what we have in front of/beside us in pursuit of something we hope to gain but do not have yet. I guess 'letting go' is the start of a new beginning. My resolution is I shall resolve to not hold on too tightly to my 'goal' and live more in the present moment.

Come what may. Take a deep breath and have faith that everything will be alright in the end. Baby dust to all TTC couples.

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