Sunday 8 July 2012

100th Blog Post

This is my 100th Blog Post for this particular blog.

I have kept many other blogs (many of which I deactivated) over the years, so 100 blog posts is actually kinda not-so-accomplished in that sense, but hey, any little thing is worth celebrating, right? Life is too short to let fun pass us by!

This is a Sunday, so I'd like to take a break from long blog posts. Been on a blog-writing-marathon since my mid-year resolution on June 28, 2012. Phew, time to take a well-deserved 'break' by writing a shorter blog post.

By the way, did I tell you I love twitter? The fact that I only have less than 100 followers allowed me the 'freedom' to tweet whatever I want, with some moral and ethical constraint of course, but more freely than I would on fb. Got too many people on fb that may not want to know so much about me or how I feel but twitter is just the place to do it and if anyone cannot take it, they will just unfollow me. Simple! It's just unfollowing, not un-friended! SO I guess it's not as personal, that's all my opinion anyway!

This is the fifth paragraph and I'd better end here before another long-winded post is created. Have a Happy Sunday everyone and have a great week ahead!

p/s- July 8 is also one of our anniversaries!

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